Saturday, September 02, 2006

Why the Brits get nowhere with the muslims

Carib Pundit
Why hasn't the efforts of the British government borne fruit amongst the nation's Muslims? Simple.

There are a number of reasons for the Muslim non-response to the overtures of the infidel government of the U.K.:

  1. Muslims have no respect for the rule of law in host countries outside the Islamic world; they're taught to despise 'man-made' law and that the only law under which they must live is the vile shariah law.
  2. Britanistan's Muslims are in sufficient number to flex their muscles and make all manner of demands without giving anything in return; however, the meeting of these demands they regard as a sign of weakness. If the British government had crushed them in the manner of Saddam, they would have been more responsive.
  3. It is quite likely that they regard the government's overtures and monetary gifts as jizya (which according to their shariah law is what dhimmis must pay to superior Muslims if they wish to continue to live); if jizya, then, no response is required on their part because the superior does not thank the inferior, to their minds.
  4. It is quite likely given their increased numbers and the increased political correctness and dhimmitude of many British, Muslims are regarding British as supplicants soliciting their favors. No amount of favors of money will deflect them from their aim, which is the sixth point, and will only confirm them in their opinion of British weakness and ripeness for becoming part of the Islamic caliphate. Since Britain is a weak horse, why bother responding?
  5. 5) Muslims do not regard themselves as citizens of Britain or any non-Islamic country, for the most part, but as people divorced from the state and belonging a transglobal Islamic community. Therefore, there is no allegiance to Britain, and no overtures made to them will create any.
  6. Finally, Muslims want Britan to truly become Britanistan, an Islamic state. There's nothing the Christian called Tony Blair or any of the secularist Laborites can offer Muslims that will deter them from that goal.
  7. They don't wish to dialogue, respond, or negotiate; they wish to dominate.
Why would they respond? They have no reason to.

That's it in a nutshell.

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