Friday, September 01, 2006

Prince Hassan: Arab leaders stole billions from their people

Unfortunately, I sense a car bomb sometime in the prince's future. This kind of talk can't be tolerated by the Islamofascists...

Jordanian Prince Hassan Bin Talal levels scathing criticism at Arab leaders during speech delivered in Kyoto conference: 'Arab leaders stole billions of dollars from the Arab people in order to spend them on weapons to fight Israel, which they can never defeat.' Prince warns against Iranian nuclear armament project...
H/T Clarity and Resolve


beakerkin said...

The sad part is that none of the Muslim countries including Turkey ever developed a viable economy.
The layers of theft and violent governments do not bode well for investments.

Anonymous said...

Part of the disfunction is Sharia and its detrimental constrictive impact on finance in muslim countries.

I'm working up a post on this with the angle being how Sharia and "islamic mortgages" affect the populace.