Wednesday, August 02, 2006

MySpace gets slapped around hard at Ben's joint

I've looked at MySpace once or twice and was rather underwhelmed. Ben and commenters up the anty and transition into a preliminary phase one smackdown mode with an occasional wuss who won't joyously join in the scrum.

There's some good stuff here -- begging to be collected into a comedic full monty phase two smackdown rant.

Ben Weasel
...And now I'm wondering if there's a different MySpace in an alternate universe because after several months of stumbling around uncomfortably in this world's MySpace...

...Mysapce...Good grief. ...

...myspazz is only useful for one thing... can wait an hour to login because the servers they use are apparently russian military surplus from the cold war ...

...has been purchased by the Fox Network as well, so it's well on the way to becoming another cog in Rupert Murdoch's right wing machine...

..."addicted" to it- addicted to what?...

...and the other half trying to tape their nutsacks between their legs so they can put on a pair of chick jeans...

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