Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Dollar store Zombie DVD recommendation

I just picked up a $1 DVD at Dollar Tree. This one is a double feature produced by Allegro. It includes Revolt of the Zombies and King of the Zombies

The DVD compilation is titled Zany Zombies Double Feature

Forget about Revolt of the Zombies, it is truly horrible. It has no redeeming qualities what so ever. This film flat out sucks and is quite boring.

HOWEVER - the other film on the DVD, King of the Zombies is a true gem. Nominally intended to be a "horror" film, this is really a flat out funny comedy due to an outstanding performance by Mantan Moreland. Moreland was a true comedic genius. Moreland wasn't the top billed star in this film, but he steals every scene he appears in (which is a majority of them), and makes what would otherwise be a forgettable film into a must see.

If you're tired of the usual overpriced sorry ass Hollywood fare these days, pick up this DVD for a buck (its also downloadable I believe) and enjoy watching a real pro at work in Moreland. Some of the lines in this movie will have you laughing out loud.

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