Qana -- another Pallywood propaganda production the MSM all dutifully collaborated on. If the media is going to distort and lie about this stuff, they need to coordinate better so people looking at the time line can't easily discredit them as happened here. But then again, when a propaganda "production" is a "rush job" its hard to get all your ducks in a row.
EU Referendum blog...These two sequences illustrate the extent to which photographers on the scene are prepared to ensure that the "shock value" is maximised. ...
can you imagine? all those unfortunate people being told, "okay, you just sit here for a few more hours..."
Nanc, I suspect the Hizb found most of their "victims" by cleaning out the bodies at the local morgue.
I was sceptical but this is sarting to look like a hoax.
I was half joking about the Hizb using bodies from the local morgue, but Confederate Yankee apparently has some evidence that may have been exactly what happened.
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